How to Clone/Copy Existing Code to New Code Repo in Git? Clone Existing repo to new directory $git clone C:\GitHub\code-cov-test go to code-cov-test dir $cd ../code-cov-test Remove old repo git $rm -rf .git #if this command doesn't work go to directory and remove .git file which is hidden Do git initialization $git init Add all files to git $git add . Commit the local changes $git commit -m "Initial Commit" Add new repo as remote if repo not present create new repo $git remote add origin
If you want to use your own or nexus repo to download the packages , use below process Create folder if not exists in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\pip in windows Create pip.ini file on windows AppData>Roaming>pip folder Copy the below lines and place in pip.ini file [global] index-url=https://<>/nexus/repository/ae-pypi-group/simple trusted-host=<> On unix default configuration file is $HOME/.config/pip/pip.conf which respects XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable. On MacOs the configuration file is $HOME/Library/Application Support/pip/pip.conf