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Showing posts from March, 2021

Automation of Extracting JIRA Issues and Loading to Hive Table Using Python and Shell Script

Automation of Extracting JIRA Issues and Loading to Hive Table Using Python and Shell Script Orchestrate End to End flow of Extracting JIRA issues with custom fields using Python and loading them to Hive using Shell Script. Requirements: Python Modules: jira pandas   Process: jira python module extracts using JIRA REST API , for more information please see ( ) . Pandas Modules is used to convert the list to data frame and write to CSV files with specified delimiter which can be used to load to hive table. CODE:   from jira import JIRA import pandas as pd   #Specify your company base_url for JIRA Board URL = ‘ https :// xxx . jira . com’   #authenticate JIRA using basic authentication Username and Password jira = JIRA ( server = URL , basic_auth =( ‘ username’ , ’password ’ ))   #PULL all the aviable issues in JIRA for the project specified....